

Orange County and Los Angeles

Did you know there are plastic materials and urethane compounds that can be applied to damaged areas creating a physical bond with the same strength as the original car bumper cover? Our specialized equipment, techniques, and exclusive suppliers provide you with innovative bumper repair technology.

Bumper Paint Repair Mobile Service all Orange County/L.A.QUICK TURNAROUND

Bumper Paint Repair Mobile Service all Orange County/L.A.

Since 1991, AutoFixOnSite.com has provided efficient, fast service. The workflow does not stop. Our experts approach and complete each task accurately without wasting time from the moment we arrive to the moment we leave. Bumper repairs are completed within hours, not days or weeks. We respect your valuable time!


We do not have the high overhead costs associated with full-service auto body shops or car dealerships. And, you won’t pay your high insurance deductible or pay for car rental fees. We pass these savings on to you, our customers. This makes your plastic bumper repair cost significantly lower! Plus, by taking advantage of our comprehensive bumper repair services, you maintain the value of your vehicle.


Damaged areas are repaired. Then a combination of cleaners and etchers are applied to condition the surface and ensure adhesion of the basecoat paint. This is followed by primers which fill crevices and protects against corrosion. After sanding, a final prep cleaner is applied to clean the surface and discharge any electrostatic charge left in the plastic. The custom-mixed, factory coded formula is then applied, followed by a clear-coat specially made for us. The tough, transparent film enhances the brilliance and depth of color while protecting the pigments from sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, from acid rain, and other contaminants. This combination provides a long-lasting, mirror-like finish on all bumper repairs and is now used on most new factory finishes.

AutoFixOnSite CARES

We care about people and the environment. Using very efficient equipment and procedures, we closely monitor and conserve our materials. We maintain V.O.C. compliance and regularly research & develop new methods of material use.

Schedule Your Appointment

Small Damage Repair Experts & Bumper Paint Repair Mobile Service all Orange County/L.A.

Call: 1-888-990-3295